Candlemas celebrates Jesus being presented at the Temple, 40 days after his birth.  It is here when he meets Simeon who calls him “the light of the world”.  Even in His early days, Jesus was seen as special.  We decided to celebrate Candlemas at St Paulinus because our Mission Statement is “Inspiring all to live, learn and love in the light of Jesus” .  We ask each one of our children to let their light shine, just as Jesus brought light and hope to our world.

I have been so impressed with the children when celebrating Candlemas – they had all been a credit to our School and areready to share their light with others.

What a fantastic service held by EYU and KS1.  The children worked so hard on practising their lines and knowing when it was their turn to come out and this shone through at the Candlemas service.  I was very impressed with our younger children, especially 1M who led our service and took us through the journey.  1P shared their bidding prayers with us and helped us to have a moment to reflect on the reading.


Class 2O shared their art work linked to the story and also told us what they had been thinking about when learning about this story.  Their confidence shone through as they showed us what they had learnt at the front of our hall.  Class 2I retold the story, and had a group of children acting it out, to share it in a number of different ways.

I was also impressed with EYU who performed a song to the audience, even with the technical hitch they carried on regardless, and the children shared some excellent ideas on how we can share our light with others.  Their confidence shone through and I am going to try and share my light in the same way.

I’d also like to thank all our visitors today – it was lovely to see so many of you supporting our children.  Your comments were wonderful to read and share with the children and we have picked out just a few to share with you:


“Lovely assembly, the kids did great.”

“Really lovely assembly. I can see how hard the kids have practised.  Lovely, well done.”

“Beautiful service – thank you.  The choir sounded lovely. Thank you for inviting us.”

“Lovely seeing so many kids being involved in the assembly”

“Lovely assembly. Children very well behaved. Beautiful choir singing.”

“Amazing assembly, well done to all the staff and children.”

Well done EY’s and KS1 – a wonderful service that made everyone very proud.


KS2 were fantastic.  Their singing was beautiful and every class presented their work with real confidence and professionalism.  I was very proud of our children as they taught us about what Candlemas means and how we can act in our everyday lives.

Class 4C were superb leaders.  They knew when to stand up, read with confidence and organised passing the microphone on to the next person.  They were confident in leading our service and had clearly practised their lines.



Class 5S gave us some excellent ways in which we could share our light.  Will you try to share your light this year by being a good friend, helping others and bringing hope to those in need?

Class 4H shared their rendition of “This little Light of Mine” with great confidence!  They worked hard and it was very hard for us to not clap along.  Well done 4H!

A boy Class 6D came forward and shared a poem linked to Candlemas and children from Class 6M led us in our bidding prayers.

Class 3C were superb at telling us the story of how Candlemas came about.  I was very impressed with their acting and their confidence.  Excellent job Class 3C.


Class 3N shared their art work with us and talked about what they had found out about the story.  They told us how their work represented what they had learnt.

And class 5M performed a dance for us while we listened to Simeon’s song.  The children were so good that this brought a tear to my eye as I reflected on the story.

A big thank you to all our visitors as well.  Visitors really make our services special for the children and we are thankful that you could come and watch them.  All the comments from KS2 were positive and here are some of them to share with you today.

“Absolutely fantastic singing and presentations.”

“Very well presented.”

“Kids had clearly learned  their lines.  Good communication skills and obviously they are all better singers than me!”

“Well done to everyone. Very well read and lots of effort ”

“Very well presented, children very good, could hear every word.  Well done, proud of them all!”

“Beautiful singing and great presentations from everybody.”

“Lovely assembly as always!”

Well done KS2!  A wonderful service, amazing singing and, as usual, you made us very proud – well done to staff and children.