At St Paulinus we have several Interfaith days over the year which give every child an opportunity to learn about people of other faiths.  We strongly believe that all faiths should be respected and these days give us the opportunity to      reflect on the similarities and differences between each faith.

We believe that God created the world and so we will be able to see echoes of His design in each other and in other faiths.  It is through out interfaith days that we can investigate this.  We also believe that differences should be celebrated,      because God enjoys variety in His creation.

Each year has a different faith that they focus on over the year:

EYFS—Multicultural days
Year 1—Judaism
Year 2—Judaism
Year 3—Hinduism
Year 4—Sikhism
Year 5—Buddhism
Year 6—Islam

You will be able to see some of the learning that has been going on in this school book which will build up over the year.