St. Paulinus Day

On special occasions, we celebrate mass in school. On Thursday 11th October we celebrated St. Paulinus day in school with Father Johnathan and members of our parish. To complete one of our traditions year 5 told the story of St. Paulinus and of how he baptised people...

European Day

Today the school celebrated MFL (Modern Foreign Language) Day with a fun filled day of activities. Each year group adopted a country and related their whole school learning day to their country of choice. The whole school was rewarded with the opportunity to taste...

Our Harvest Festival

The whole school will be celebrating the Harvest Festival this week and the children will be bringing in Food donations for Care Dewsbury and Batley Food Bank. Our celebrations will be through thoughts, prayers, songs and artwork.  Some classes will also entertain the...

School Fun Run

Every year the whole school takes part in a sponsored fun run and this year was no exception. Once again the teachers and children dressed up and ran around the school in fancy dress to raise funds for school. The weather didn’t stop proceedings and using the...