People who help us – Doctors and Nurses

The children really enjoyed participating in activities all about doctors and nurses.  They enjoyed dressing up and role playing doctors and nurses such as giving each other injections, putting bandages on each other and listening to one another’s heartbeats with the...

The Shoebox Appeal 2019

Over the last 3 weeks children have been bringing Christmas shoeboxes into school filled with lovely presents such as toy cars, colouring books, hats and scarves and toothbrushes for children who won’t get any other presents this Christmas. Some classes made...

The Shoebox Appeal

This week the children talk about one of the schools favourite charities the Shoebox Appeal. This year we have gathered 101 shoeboxes.    

Modern Foreign Language

    Welcome to our French class               Welcome to our French class where children enjoy learning and understanding another culture and language. At St Paulinus, we strongly believe in the benefit of this and we therefore implement the teaching of French to...

Remembrance Day

The school paid their respect to everyone who lost their lives in the wars with a 2 minutes silence. This week our children discuss what they know about Remembrance day and also other ways we remember the dead in November. .