Classroom Worship Displays

Here are the RE displays from each classroom showing which topic each year group is working on in RE. Each display is backed in green paper to show it is ordinary time in the Church year. Children are very proud when their work is displayed in class...

Our class worship

  In 5D each week we take it in turns with our worship group to lead worship daily. This week our worship has been all about being a good friend. We have looked at what it means to be a good friend and the different words we can use to make the world a better...

Inter Faiths

Learning about other Faiths   At St Paulinus we have several Interfaith days over the year which give every child an opportunity to learn about people of other faiths.  We strongly believe that all faiths should be respected and these days give us the opportunity...

Parish Links

A new initiative in school is to encourage more families to attend St. Paulinus Church mass on a Sunday. Once every half term we will have a family mass when the children from school will do the reading, read bidding pryers and take part in the offertory. The school...


HCPT is a charity that was set up 60 years ago to take children with disabilities, and varying needs on pilgrimage to Lourdes in the South of France every Easter. I am the leader of Group 74 – The local Dewsbury group and we take 7/8 children from our school and...