Freeze Frame Drama

In R.E we kicked off our new topic with some freeze frame drama. We had to imagine we were there when Jesus rose from the dead and finding his tomb empty. We had to freeze frame different scenes:  Jesus on the cross, Jesus taken from the cross, Jesus placed in the...

Rocks and Soil

Year 3 topic During this half term we have continued our investigations into Rocks and soil. We carried out an investigation to find out what soil was made up of and what else might be found in it. We started our new topic on plants and split a flower into all its...

Advent day

Advent day As part of our Advent preparation 3H made card advent wreaths along with a class advent wreath for use in our class worship leading up to advent. Class members also decorated our pallet Christmas tree for display in Crows Nest Park.     ...

Problem solving

Mathematics We have been doing some problem solving and working on applying our skills. We had to use lots of different methods and equipment to help us. It was really tricky but we got there in the end.   3N Problem solving part 2 from StPaulinus...