Lets talk about creation

During the first lesson in RE, the children talked about Creation. We looked at two different approaches: Scientific and Theological. During the second lesson, the children recapped their understanding of both thoughts and using their belief and reading, debated on...

Unfolding a story

In English, the children worked on understanding how events in a story unfold. As a result, they were given sentences and based on their knowledge of the story read in class, the children ordered the events to reconstruct the story. The children enjoyed this exercise...


As part of the STEAM week, Year 5 have been concentrating on conducting some scientific experiments. The week was spent devising strategies: organising, planning and pricing an Antartica Expedition. The class has also worked hard to build a rocket that was launched to...

5J Fitness Week

During Fitness Week, we all looked at nutrition and exercise: both are a pre-requisite for a healthy mind and body. We kept our own daily diary of food and tried very hard to eat healthily. In order to maintain some fitness throughout, we walked – and ran for...

5S Pentecost

At Pentecost, to celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit, we all came to school wearing at least on item of white clothing. During the day we discussed the gifts of wisdom, understanding, fortitude, knowledge, counsel, piety and fear of the Lord. We reflected on what...