Handball with 3C

3C have been having great fun improving their attacking and defending skills playing Hand Ball in their PE sessions. They have been very competitive and have played some very close matches! Children have also been developing their leadership skills by captaining their...
Monster Eggs

Monster Eggs

Last week, the children found some mysterious looking eggs located in KS2, KS1, and EYU. There was not a known cause for these eggs and nobody knew how they had got there. An emergency assembly was called where Mrs. Joyce explained to the children that it was up to...

The Debate

As part of our Persuasive Unit, last week the children worked on understanding the various techniques to persuade people to agree with one’s opinion, should they disagree in the first place. We looked at the six elements that help with persuasion: Adjectives...


In Maths, the children used multilink cubes to visualise fractions and understand better than a fraction is the representation of a part of the whole. The use of concrete apparatus helped with the visualisation of the fraction making it easier for the children when...