Conscience Alley

‘As part of our English topic, Persuasion, we looked at the various techniques and used Bill Poster’s 6 tips: Adjectives, rhetorical questions, play with words, benefits, exaggeration and snappy sentences. Equipped with these, the children devised...

Our Greek Day

3C had an amazing day learning about the Ancient Greeks. A lady came in wearing a toga and taught us so much. We got to try on armour which was so heavy, we drew some beautiful greek picture and even translated the Greek alphabet.  

Handball with 3C

3C have been having great fun improving their attacking and defending skills playing Hand Ball in their PE sessions. They have been very competitive and have played some very close matches! Children have also been developing their leadership skills by captaining their...


Pupils were split into 2 teams (A and B) and had to play against opposing teams rolling balls to land as close to a target ball (white ball) as possible. They had three balls each (red or blue) to roll to try to score points. The points were then accumulated over the...