
Laughter is the best medicine but if your laughing without a reason you need to think about medicine   Q: Why were the teacher’s eyes crossed? A: She couldn’t control her pupils! Q: Teacher: Didn’t I tell you to stand at the end of the line? A:...

Internet Safety

                                                                                            Click on the logo for information on internet safety Childnet International is a UK based charity working in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet...

Eurovision 2018

Eurovision 2018 This years theme was Disney much to the delight of the children. Much fun was had by all and Mr Cameron’s class stole the show for the third time running during the day and he celebrated his hat trick modestly. In the evening the winners were 2I in key...

Inter Faiths

Learning about other Faiths   At St Paulinus we have several Interfaith days over the year which give every child an opportunity to learn about people of other faiths.  We strongly believe that all faiths should be respected and these days give us the opportunity...
Fun Run 2017

Fun Run 2017

Fun Run 2017 Every year the children at St Paulinus raise money for school by taking part in a school fun run. The children get the chance to dress up and run raising funds for the various promotions throughout the school. This year was no exception and the children...