
Year 3 have been enjoying Orienteering lessons on Tuesday afternoon. We’ve had to work in pairs to read a map and find different markers around the school grounds. Even with the cold weather, we have wrapped up warm before running around and have warmed up very...

Toys from the past

During Topic this term we are looking at toys from the past and how they are different to toys we play with now such as the xbox and the wii. One of our first lessons was to look at a Super Mario game. Our task was to design a new world for him to go to. We had a set...


As part of the Year 1 RE topic Families & Celebrations we have been looking at celebrations in Church and how you become part of God’s family. We acted out a Baptism – the children took on the roles of Priest, parents and Godparents. The children could...

Christopher Columbus

Our topic this term is Why are Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong very brave people? At the start of the term the children didn’t know who these famous people were. We did some research and they now know Christopher Columbus was very brave because he...