Class Teacher

Class Teacher

Miss Whitehead

Class HLTA

Class HLTA

Miss Ellis

Class ETA

Class ETA

Mrs Dudley

Class ETA

Class ETA

Mrs Donnelly

Class 3W curriculum


Art As artists we will be:

  • Looking at printing and textiles.
  • Using a roller and printing ink to experiment with mark making.
  • Collecting visual and other information using a sketchbook, and explore patterning from different cultures.


Design Technology – As designers we will :

  • Design and produce shell structures e.g. packaging, desk tidy, party favour box etc and combining what we have learnt throughout the year to evaluate our own and others work.



  • We are learning about simulations recognising that a computer simulation can represent real and imaginary situations.
  • We will complete a branching database on fruits and vegetables.
  • We will learn about presenting using power point.


English – As writers and communicators we will :

  • Write narratives, plays and dialogues that contain historical characters developing them using descriptions, stage directions and dialogue.
  • Write letters.
  • Non-chronological reports.
  • Explore and write traditional poems, that use rhyming couplets, sentences with more than one clause and prepositions to express time and place.
  • Read and listen to a wide range of styles of text, both fiction and non-fiction.
  • Read and listen to whole books.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Listen to and learn a wide range of subject specific vocabulary.


French – As linguists we will:

  • Be able to use adjectives to describe people.
  • Retell the story in my own words.
  • Write sentences using the story.


Geography As geographers we will :

  • Use maps and atlases to locate the Mediterranean area, identify north and south hemisphere.
  • Compare and contrast lives in the UK and around the Mediterranean area.

History – As historians we will :

  • Use a range of secondary sources to gather information about the Egyptians.
  • Compare life today to what life was like for the Egyptians.
  • Look at the process of mummification.
  • Learn about hieroglyphics.
  • Learn about the different Gods.

Maths As mathematicians we will :

  • Use and apply the four basic skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Solve problems including missing numbers and place value and more complex addition and subtraction.
  • Use and recall multiplication and division facts for 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
  • Be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number.
  • Solve problems including missing numbers involving multiplication and division and finding solutions using the inverse operations and apply our reasoning skills.
  • Learn how to measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.
  • Learn how to identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines in relation to other lines.
  • Estimate and measure angles and apply our knowledge into problem solving.
  • Look at ways of collecting and recording data.
  • Complete a variety of word problems allowing children to apply their knowledge.
  • Complete a variety of problem-solving activities.
  • To use fractions to find and amount.

Music As musicians we will :

  • Learn how does music help in every day life.
  • Compare two different songs.
  • Compose and improvise within the piece of music.
  • Be able to use the glockenspiels.

P.E. – As athletes we will :

  • Play net and wall games.
  • Learn and develop athletic skills in preparation for our sports day.
  • Learn the skills of orienteering.

R.E. As theologians we will :

  • Learn about Easter and Pentecost and what it means to be a Christian in today’s world linking this in to  every day living.
  • Understand that God rose Jesus from the dead to save us all.

RPSHE we will be looking at keeping our bodies healthy.

  • We will focus on how we can help to keep our bodies and teeth healthy.
  • We will be doing this through drama, reflective time in class, whole class discussions and artwork.

 Science As scientists we will be working scientifically to study and investigate :

  • Plants.
  • Describe the function of different plants and trees.
  • Explore the needs of plants for survival.
  • Explore and describe how water is transported within plants.
  • Describe the plant life cycle, especially the importance of flowers.

Our Class Blog

What happens in our class? have a look at all the blog post direct from the classroom. 

3N Egyptian Bowls

Over the last few weeks we have been developing our art skills. Our theme this half term was to develop and produce some 3D art work. At the moment we are looking at Ancient Egypt so we decided to make some Egyptian bowls. We did this by blowing up some balloons and...

Christmas at St. Paulinus 2019

As the calendar year for 2019 draws to an end we hope you have a happy and holy Christmas. Here are the Christmas production highlights for 2019 . https://vimeo.com/380447129   Key Stage One sing us out with their carol service  ........... see you next year. ....

Our new Library

On the 15th of November, our local MP came and led an assembly where she shared with the children her love of reading. Her favourite book was the MagicFaraway Tree by Enid Blyton. The children were enthused by her and asked many questions. She then officially opened...

Topics Displays

Throughout school we have some fantastic topics that we are looking into. Our topic displays are eye catching and show a variety of learning skills through History, Geography, Art and DT. After each lesson children’s work is displayed under the question that they have...

Our New Library

St Paulinus Primary School has launched its new library! The children enjoy their moment of escapism and take advantage to choose their own book and read or share a book with their friends. .     

3N Stone Age

To kick-start our topic ‘Stone Age’ we decided to complete some silhouette artwork. We decided on a suitable background and made our silhouette from black card to stand out.  We have put our artwork up on display and they look very effective. We are very proud of our...

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