Class Teacher

Class Teacher

Mrs Scholey

Class Teacher

Class Teacher

Mrs Irving

Class ETA

Class ETA

Mrs Halloran

Class 5SI curriculum

Winter term

Art – As artists we will:

  • Share ideas about painting techniques and paint materials
  • Discuss our work and produce work in response to well-known artists.
  • Organise and combine visual and tactile qualities of materials and develop explorations, ideas and responses in our work.
  • Compare and comment on ideas, methods and approaches in our own and others’ work.


 Computing – We will :

  • Creating games as Game creators.
  • 3D modelling.
  • Investigating concept maps.


Design Technology – As designers we will be investigating and create a game. We will :

  • Carry out research into user needs and existing products, using surveys, interviews, questionnaires and web-based resources.
  • Understand how to build a circuit structure for our fully functioning working buzz game.


English – As writers and communicators we will :

  • Write a character profile.
  • an invitation to a feast.
  • Write a job advertisement / wanted posters.
  • Letter writing – Beowulf to home.
  • Recount of the feast in mead-hall.
  • Explanation text writing – how to kill a monster.
  • To create a map from detail in text place.

French ­ –  As linguists we will be learning about ‘le retour du printemps’ meaning the return of spring and finishing the year with ‘les planètes ’ meaning the planets.

Geography:  The Globe. We will:

  • Identify the equator, the tropics of cancer and Capricorn and the Greenwich meridian.
  • Identify the position and significance of latitude and longitude, the Equator, Northern and Southern
    Hemispheres, the tropics of cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the prime/Greenwich meridian.
  • Begin to identify the position of time zones (including night and day).
  • To know the names of and locate some of the world’s deserts and describe what that environment is like.

History – As historians we will study the struggle between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons for the Kingdom of England learning, specifically about:

  • Where the Vikings originated from and show this on a map.
  • The importance of travel and how this developed the civilisation / us today?
  • That the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons were often in conflict.
  • Why the Vikings frequently won battles against the Anglo-Saxons.
  • Links will also be made with English (carrying out research), Design Technology (designing/making a longboat, design and make a Viking style meal).


Mathematics – As mathematicians we will be :

  • Converting units of measure.
  • Calculating with whole numbers and decimals.
  • 2-D and 3-D shape.
  • Estimate and calculating volume.
  • Problem solving


Music – This term our music is focused around ‘Dancing In The Street’ by Martha And The Vandellas as well as consolidating everything we have learnt this year.

P.E. – As athletes we will :

  • Play net and field games.
  • Carry out athletics to prepare for our sports day.
  • Improve our swimming technique and water confidence.

R.E. – As theologians we will :

  • Life in the Risen Jesus
  • Understand that Jesus is risen from the dead.
  • Learn that Jesus is present among us in
    different ways.
  • Learn that there are different ways of praying.
  • Reflect on Jesus’ teaching and example on prayer.
  • Learn how to pray the Rosary.
  • The Transforming Spirit :
  • Know about the Ascension.
  • Understand what happened at Pentecost.
  • Understand how the Holy Spirit worked through the Apostles.
  • Understand that the popes are successors of St. Peter.


RPSHEAs we are continuing to develop we will:

  • Learn about the importance of mobile phone safety.
  • Learn about how we will grow and change.
  • Learn about what jobs we will like.

Science – We will be learning about the planets in our Solar System and forces. We will:

  • Be using Mathematics to model the dimensions of our solar system.
  • Be describing the movement of the earth and moon relative to the sun in our solar system.
  • Be identifying evidence that has been used to support a theory.
  • Be describing the movement of the moon relative to the earth.
  • Be using simple models to explain scientific areas, such as day and night.
  • Be explaining some of the effect of gravity.
  • Be planning, carrying out and explaining a fair test to find out how well different objects fall.
  • Be observing a variety of forces that slow things down.

Our Class Blog

What happens in our class? have a look at all the blog post direct from the classroom. 

The Stations of the Cross Year 5

The Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, also known as the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis, refers to a series of events depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion.   https://vimeo.com/333325853      

China Day 5S

As part of our China Topic we had a whole day of Chinese activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. We researched Chinese dragons, tasted Chinese foods, made banners with Chinese writing and made lanterns and paper drums. It was a great day.    ...

Where is God ?

Where is God - During our Art lesson we thought about the question 'Where is God?'. These are some of the pictures we created. https://vimeo.com/315423899  



During the Autumn term 5S were involved in 'Bushcraft' activities as part of our P.E. lessons. Over six weeks of outdoor lessons we went foraging, lit fires and cooked marshmallows. It was a fantastic experience but we did get a bit muddy  ...

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