Class Teacher

Class Teacher

Mr Hutton

Class ETA

Class ETA

Mrs Smith

Class 6H curriculum

Winter term

Art – As artists we will study collage:

  • Explore ideas about the work of Gustav Klimt and Pablo Picasso’s Cubist work.
  • They will be able to use materials and processes to communicate ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others’ work.

Computing – We will :

  • Solve problems, using a variety of software.
  • Learn to use technology safely and responsibly.

Studying networks

  • Studying different networks.
  • Comparing school and global networks.
  • Effective methods for researching.


  • Understand what a blog is and its key features.
  • Create a blog with a specific purpose.
  • Explain the approval process that blogs go through.


Design Technology – As designers we will :

  • Develop our knowledge, understanding & skills in textiles, i.e. using a range of stitches.

English – As writers and communicators we will :

  • Extend narrative writing – including flashbacks (using “The Piano’ Aidan Gibbons’ and ‘The Wonder’ by RJ Palacio as stimulus).
  • Write a diary entry (autobiographical) based on a character’s life and experiences.
  • Write a balanced and/or persuasive argument on a chosen topic relating to our History/Geography themes.
  • Non-chronological Report based on a product or a place.
  • Extend Reading comprehension, grammar & punctuation skills.

French – As linguists we will study :

  • Famous French people.
  • The French Revolution & The Tour de France.

GeographyAs geographers we will study—’Saving Our Earth’

  • Environmental issues our planet is facing.
  • How to tackle waste through recycling.
  • Climate change and how it affects our planet.
  • What causes air pollution and how to reduce it.
  • How to protect our seas/oceans, forests etc.
  • The work of environmentalists i.e. Greta Thunberg.


HistoryAs historians, we will study some of the main changes in 20th Century Britain (post-war) and identify key characteristics of different decades.

  • 1950s, what life was like at this time, focusing on home life, work life, technology, population and popular culture.
  • 1960s, identifying why it become known as the ‘swinging sixties’. Children will particularly explore popular culture during this decade, as well as
    being given an overview of how life at home, at work and in the wider community was changing.
  • 1970s, focusing particularly on the economic
    difficulties, the cause and effect of the ‘winter of discontent’, some of the more positive events and changes of the decade.
  • 1980s, children will find out who Margaret Thatcher was and the key features of her time as Prime Minister plus inventions of this decade.
  • 1990s, key events and how far Britain had come.


  • Learn how to calculate the volume of cuboids.
  • Be introduced to the ratio symbol.
  • Use scale factors to solve ratio and proportion problems.
  • Read, interpret and draw line graphs and pie charts.
  • Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples.


 Music – As musicians we will continue to:

  • Learn about all the foundational elements of Music with a focus on chords and structure through the online musical platform ‘Charanga’.


P.E. – As athletes we will :

  • Use clear communication through orienteering.
  • Develop a range of shots to keep a rally going in badminton.
  • Develop our cricket, rounder’s and athletics skills.
  • Improve our fitness levels.

R.E. — As theologians we will study:

Called to Serve:

  • Become aware of Jesus’ teaching and example of service.
  • Recognise that God has given us gifts/talents to use in the service of God and people.
  • Be aware of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Understand that we
    receive these gifts in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Reflect on some of the different ways we can serve God.
  • Learn about the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders.

Faith in Action:

  • To recognise that God created all human beings in his image.
  • To understand the corporal works of mercy.


RPSHE – We will study:

  • What will change as we become more independent? How do friendships change as we grow?
  • Pol.Ed—Transition and Resilience.


Science – As scientists we will :

Living things and their Habitats

  • This topic introduces the concept of identifying and  classifying living things into broad groups according to common observable characteristics.

Animals Including Humans

  • Identify the main parts of the human circulatory system.
  • Explore the different components of blood and their functions.
  • Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the human body.

Our Class Blog

What happens in our class? have a look at all the blog post direct from the classroom. 

Le Trois Boucs Bourru

Our Year 6 children re-enact the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Il était une fois trois boucs. Ils vivaient dans un champ et au milieu du champ coulait une rivière. Le premier bouc s'appelait Grand Bouc Bourru, le second, Moyen Bouc Bourru et le troisième, Petit Bouc...

Christmas at St. Paulinus 2019

As the calendar year for 2019 draws to an end we hope you have a happy and holy Christmas. Here are the Christmas production highlights for 2019 . https://vimeo.com/380447129   Key Stage One sing us out with their carol service  ........... see you next year. ....

Our new Library

On the 15th of November, our local MP came and led an assembly where she shared with the children her love of reading. Her favourite book was the MagicFaraway Tree by Enid Blyton. The children were enthused by her and asked many questions. She then officially opened...

Topics Displays

Throughout school we have some fantastic topics that we are looking into. Our topic displays are eye catching and show a variety of learning skills through History, Geography, Art and DT. After each lesson children’s work is displayed under the question that they have...

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