In partnership with

St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3Q

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Catholic Life and Our Faith

St Paulinus prides itself on being warm and welcoming. Every member of the community from child to staff to parent to parishioner is respected and seen as part of God’s family. Our high expectations and high standards are reflected in everything that we do and staff strive to give every child the best learning opportunities possible.

We aim to help children develop in their journey of faith in a positive learning environment and we believe that our school will make a valuable contribution to their development. We value diversity and respect people of other faiths and we are a fully inclusive Catholic Primary Academy. We aim to create a secure and nurturing environment where children can develop their many gifts and talents, whatever they may be. We believe that Christ is at the centre of all that we do and therefore we offer every child a broad, balanced and relevant Curriculum in order to meet their spiritual, emotional, moral, intellectual and physical needs and to prepare them for the responsibilities of adult life. Academic excellence is one of our goals but we also value and nurture those special gifts that make each child unique.

Home/ School/ Parish links are vital. We value the contribution our parents make to school life and value the support offered by or local parish. Together, we ensure that St Paulinus remains a very special place for all.

We hope you find the information in these pages useful – I recommend sharing the virtue for the week as a family and talking about how we can see that virtue in every day life.