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St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3Q

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.

Schools’ allocations is calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11.

As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant was initally only to be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year and will now continue into Autumn term of 2021.

Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.
To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students. Schools should use this document to help them direct their additional funding in the most effective way.


The EEF advises the following:
Teaching and whole school strategies
⮚ Supporting great teaching
⮚ Pupil assessment and feedback
⮚ Transition support

Targeted approaches
⮚ One to one and small group tuition
⮚ Intervention programmes
⮚ Extended school time

Wider strategies
⮚ Supporting parent and carers
⮚ Access to technology
⮚ Summer support


The total Catch-up Premium for St Paulinus school for the financial year is: £50,281.63

Catch-up Premium

Expected spending and Impact report 2020-2021



Pupil Premium Grant 

Pupil premium was introduced to schools by the Department of Education in 2011. It is additional funding allocated to the school to support groups of children who are vulnerable to possible under-achievement. These include children who are or have been entitled to Free School Meals in the last six years (Ever 6) and those who are looked after by the Local Authority.

The amount per pupil in primary phase is now £1455 and £2530 for looked after children (CLA).
The recovery premium grant is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). The school will use this funding to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting any pupil based on an assessment of individual need. The amount is £145 per eligible pupil.

OFSTED look closely at how schools target and spend the pupil premium and how these pupils perform.

At St Paulinus, it is the intention of the Governing Body to use this money to benefit as many pupils as possible as effectively as possible. Therefore the Pupil Premium will be used to contribute towards:

Improving existing provision rather than making fundamental changes.
Facilitating the longer term practice in teaching and learning.
Enabling current support to continue and impact on more pupils.
Enabling a more effective roll out of currently used successful interventions.
Expanding the teaching and ETA staffing, to provide support for more groups of children.
Updating current practices in English and Maths to promote accelerated and good progress under the Curriculum 2014
To allow every child, no matter their financial circumstances, to experience a range of opportunities, including: trips, visits, visitors, sporting activities and workshops.

The school also uses money from the School Budget to ensure that the provision for vulnerable pupils is as extensive as possible.

The total Pupil Premium for St Paulinus school for the financial year is: £162,981

Pupil Premium Grant

Expected spending for 2023 / 2024

Impact report for 2022 / 2023

Pupil Premium Grant

Expected spending for 2022 / 2023

Impact report for 2021 / 2022

Pupil Premium Grant

Expected spending for 2021 / 2022

Impact report for 2020 / 2021

Pupil Premium Grant

Expected spending for 2020 / 2021

Impact report for 2019 / 2020


Over the last five years, the government has provided additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve the provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport in primary schools. During 2020/21, the funding has been doubled nationally, which means as a school, St. Paulinus is receiving £19,990 for this academic year. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. As a school, we must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport that we offer. We should use the funding to:


  • Develop or add to the PE and sports activities that the school already offers.
  • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.


There are five key indicators which schools should expect to see improvement across:


  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 – 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • Increased participation in competitive sport.


At St Paulinus Catholic Primary School, we have researched and identified several areas which we aim to improve and enhance, using PE and Sports Premium funding, participation rates and achievement for all pupils in PE, sport and physical activity.  We have developed an action plan to ensure this funding is invested to maximise the long-term impact of our PE, sport and physical activity provision for pupils and staff.




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