In partnership with

St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3QE

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Year 1

Mrs Beirne & Mrs Smart

Art – As artists we will :

  • Investigate the different possibilities of mark making.
  • Create our own tools for mark making.
  • Use different tool for mark making.
  • To represent texture by using different marks.
  • Use our imagination to draw a character from a story.
  • To talk about own work and that of others.



Computing – As programmers we will :

  • Learn to log on independently.
  • Know the importance of keeping usernames and passwords safe.
  • Know how to be safe online.
  • Learn how to save and find our own work.
  • Explore different types of communication.
  • Group and sort information into a pictogram.
  • Explore the different tools on Purple Mash.
  • E-safety - use safety in balance with other activities.



Design Technology – As designers we will :

  • As designers we will :
  • Be able to evaluate our/peers work stating what we like and dislike.
  • Use a variety of equipment.
  • Use a range of materials.
  • Design and make a mechanism that works.



EnglishAs writers and communicators we will :

  • Form our letters correctly.
  • Use our phonics sounds to spell and decode words.
  • Begin to write simple sentences with full stops and finger spaces.
  • Use our phonics knowledge to write words, captions and sentences.
  • Be able to talk about the books we enjoy.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Discuss and give our opinion on a variety of texts.
  • Retell simple stories verbally and written.
  • Use interesting adjectives when describing a noun. 
  • Learn to spell helpful words.
  • Listen and talk about books that are read to us.



Geography – As geographers we will:

  • Learn about the four seasons.
  • Learn about the temperature associated with the four seasons.
  • Know the months that are in each season.
  • Learn about different types of weather.
  • Use observational skills to describe the weather.
  • Complete simple fieldwork and collect data for rainfall and temperature.



History – As historians we will :

  • Learn about a historical significant event - The Great Fire of London.
  • Learn about the life of a significant individual - Samuel Pepys -who has contributed to our history.
  • Discover how things such as London, houses and fire safety have changed over the years.



P.E. – During ball skills we will :

  • Explore fundamental ball skills such as throwing, catching and dribbling.
  • Develop our cooperation and communication skills.
  • Develop our accuracy when handling different ball sizes.



Maths – As mathematicians we will :

  • AUTUMN 1:
  • Count, read, write, identify, represent, double and half, and use comparative language of numbers within 10.
  • Addition and subtraction within 10. Combination and partitioning. Represent and use number bonds; read, write, interpret, represent and solve.
  • Shapes and patterns— Recognise common 2-D and 3-D shapes; describe position, direction and movement.
  • AUTUMN 2:
  • Numbers within 20—Count, read, write, identify, represent, double and half, and use comparative  language.
  • Addition and subtraction within 20 - Represent and use number bonds; read, write, interpret and solve one-step problems.



Music – As musicians we will :

  • Learn all about the musical heartbeat.
  • Listen to and sing songs to find and keep a steady heartbeat.
  • Find a movement that helps us to keep the ‘pulse’ or ‘beat’.
  • Answer the social question ‘How can we make friends when we sing together?’



R.E. – As theologians we will :

  • Know why different people were chosen by God (Adam, Eve, Mary, Elizabeth).
  • Know how to ask and answer questions about God’s creation.
  • Know and retell the story of creation.
  • Know and retell the story of the Nativity.
  • Know and recognize some symbols of Advent and Christmas.



R.P.S.H.E. – as citizens we will :

  • Recognise our likes and dislikes and what we are good at.
  • How personal features and qualities are unique to us.
  • Know our family members and how they are special to us through their actions to make us feel loved and cared for.
  • Learn about different types of families and that we are all different but share common features.



Science – As scientists we will :

  • Identify different everyday materials.
  • Ask yes or no questions when sorting objects.
  • Compare objects based on obvious features.
  • Describe the characteristics and properties of
  • Choose some equipment to use in an experiment.