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St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3QE

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Year 4

Miss Hall, Mrs Scholey & Mrs Irving


Art – As artists we will:

  • Work on different surfaces
  • Select the correct brush types
  • Mix our own colours
  • Respond to the work of Georgia O’Keefe

Computing - We will:

  • Understand what a variable is in programming and set / change the variable values appropriately.
  • Create an algorithm modelling the sequence of a simple event.
  • Manipulate graphics in the design view to achieve the desired look for the programme.


D.T.  – As designers we will:

  • Explore the importance of healthy eating and having an early diet.
  • Use annotated sketches and information to develop and communicate ideas.
  • Plan the main stages of a recipe listing ingredients, utensils and equipment.
  • Carry out sensory evaluations.


English – As writers and communicators we will:

  • Be writing diary entries based around the novel ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’
  • Emphasise with the characters from the book.
  • Write character descriptions of the
    different characters we are introduced to throughout the story
  • Write a setting description of China.


French – As linguists we will:

  • Learn the correct vocabulary for a range of animals.
  • Use a range of adjectives to describe the animals.


Geography - As geographers we will:

  • Locate some European countries and major cities.
  • Look at some similarities and differences between European and UK cities and settlements.
  • Learn about trade links between Spain and the UK.
  • Compare the weather and climate zones for the UK and a region of Europe.
  • Identify, describe and compare some key physical features of Europe.


History - As historians we will:

  • Learn about the Viking raids on Lindisfarne, how the Vikings murdered monks and stole valuable religious objects.
  • Find out that the Norse were seafarers and how they settled across Europe and as far as North America.
  • Learn about Viking raids across the British Isles and the key battles with the Anglo Saxons.
  • Learn about how King Alfred fought against the Viking and finally made peace with them.
  • Learn about Danelaw and how it came about.


Maths - As mathematicians we will:

  • Work on securing our multiplication facts.
  • Look at equivalent fractions, convert between mixed and improper fractions and learn to add and subtract fractions.
  • Tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks.
  • Convert units of time (seconds, minutes and hours).
  • Recognise, compare and order decimals.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, divide and round decimals.
  • Measure and calculate the perimeter of regular and composite shapes in mm, cm and m.
  • Calculate the perimeter of squares, rectangles and triangles.


Music - As musicians we will:

  • Improvise in music, keeping the pulse.
  • Practice copying back melodic patterns
  • Begin to create musical ideas using given notes on the glockenspiels.
  • Listen to appreciate different styles/genres.


P.E. – As athletes we will

  • Develop passing, attacking and defending skills in basketball.
  • Orientational skills, including navigation, observation co-operation and teamwork.
  • Learn the correct technique for passing and receiving a ball during football.
  • Improve dibbling, sending and receiving a ball in hockey.


R.E. – As theologians we will:

  • Learn about the Christian Family.
  • Think about what it means to be part of a Christian family.
  • Start our Holy Communion journey.
  • Learn about The Mass.
  • Make links between actions of beliefs.


RPSHE - we will:

  • Explain how everyday things can affect feelings.
  • Discuss how feelings change overtime and can be experienced at different levels of intensity.
  • Explain the important of expressing feelings and how we can express them.
  • Look at support and advice we can access to help manage our feelings.


Science - As scientists we will:

  • Identify the three states of matter and their properties.
  • Understand how and why particles are arranged in different ways.
  • Explain the four main ways that materials can change state (melting, freezing, evaporating and condensing).
  • Explain the part that evaporation and condensation play in the water cycle.
  • Investigate how temperature affects evaporation rates.
  • Explain how sounds are made and how sound travels to your ear.
  • Explain how the pitch of a sound depends on the object that produced it.
  • Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations.