Year 5
Miss Weeks & Miss Wilkinson
Art – As artists we will study:
- Use our drawing skills to respond to the work of
- Compare ideas, methods and approaches in Fauvism.
- Produce a reduction print block using Print Press.
Computing – We will:
- Debug, improve and create games using coding.
- Understand the importance of online safety and how to remain safe online.
Design Technology – As designers we will :
- Develop our knowledge in nutrition and cooking skills.
- Enhance our knowledge in how baking has changed and enhanced over the years as well as building on our recipe skills.
English – As writers and communicators we will :
- Understand and compare character’s personalities and intentions.
- Write a character description.
- Describe a setting.
- Write a diary entry from Karl’s perspective.
- Use drama to demonstrate our understanding of the text.
French - as linguists we will be learning about:
- ‘Bon appétit, bonne santé’ meaning healthy eating.
- ‘je suis le musician’ meaning I am the Music Man.
Geography - We will:
- Name and locate local rivers.
- Know that the River Calder has changed over time.
- Know the starting point (Todmorden) of the River Calder.
History – As historians we will study the history of ‘Our Local Area’:
- Know about significant buildings, how they were used and are used now What evidence do we have today that the Anglo-Saxons were here in the first place?
- Know about significant buildings, how they were used and are used now – Cloth Hall Mills.
- Know how the arrival of the railway impacted Dewsbury.
- Know what we can find out about the people who lived in our local area using a census.
Mathematics – As mathematicians we will:
- Read, write, order and compare numbers up to one million. Round numbers to the nearest multiple of powers of ten. Read Roman numerals up to M.
- Use a range of mental calculation strategies to add and subtract integers. Illustrate and explain the written method of column addition and subtraction. Select efficient calculation strategies.
- Complete, read and interpret data presented in line graphs. Read and interpret timetables including calculating intervals.
- Identify multiples and factors. Investigate prime numbers. Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Illustrate and explain formal multiplication and division strategies.
- Investigate area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Estimate area of nonrectilinear shapes.
Music - This term our music is focused around ‘How does music bring us together?’
- In this unit, we ask ‘How Does Music Bring Us Together?’ as an entry point for the broad Social Theme of ‘Music Is a Peacebuilder and Friendmaker’. Aside from peace and friendship, this theme is relevant to learning topics such as kindness, responsibility, charity and diplomacy.
P.E. – As athletes and gymnasts we will :
- Develop our balance, co-ordination, agility and stamina as gymnasts.
- Develop our skill in Athletics and learn different athletic skills and activities.
- Develop our skills in poses and routines.
R.E. – As theologians we will :
- Know the story of Creation and the Fall in Genesis and think about its meaning.
- Know why God made us.
- Know that God calls us for care of creation.
- Know about individuals who inspire us to respect creation.
- Know and appreciate the purpose of the Ten Commandments.
- Understand that the Commandments are a gift from God to help us.
- Reflect on the birth of Jesus.
RPSHE - As we are continuing to develop we will:
- Look at crime, how to recognise it and what to do if we see it happening
- Discuss identities and what makes our identity.
Science – As scientists we will study living things and their habitats. This will include :
- Describing the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, amphibian, insect and a bird.
- Describing plant sexual and asexual reproduction.
- Comparing life cycles of plants and animals from around the world.
- Investigate the role of naturalists.