Year 3
Mrs Joyce & Miss McHale/Mrs Aqib
Art and Design - As artists we will:
- Look at the work of Sean Scully and Van Gogh.
Children will:
- Learn that painting can be done with a range of tools, including sponges and newspaper.
- Know that artists use different thickness of paint to create different effects.
- Understand that abstract art does not represent recognisable things but instead involves the use of lines, shapes and colours that can be appreciated in their own rights.
Computing – looking at coding and emails, we will:
- Learn how to read and understand code and remix code to achieve a particular outcome.
- Learn to open and respond to an email.
- Learn to attach work to an email and understand the meaning of CC.
Design and Technology– As designers we will:
- Design, make and evaluate packaging.
Children will:
- Know that different stitches look different and can be used for different purposes.
- Make a decorative panel using different stitches.
English – As writers and communicators we will:
- Write adventure stories.
- Describe settings and develop characters.
- Write newspaper reports.
- Write non-chronological reports.
- Use wider range of sentence structures (Alan Peat).
- Become more accurate in our use of more sophisticated punctuation.
- Spell most of the Y2 and Y3 common exception words correctly.
- Read and listen to a wide range of styles of text.
- Read and listen to whole books.
- Make predictions based on what we have read.
- Use the text and inference to answer questions.
- Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
- Listen to and learn a wide range of subject specific vocabulary.
French - As linguists we will:
- Develop our understanding of how to introduce myself in French.
- Recognise and count from 0–20 in French.
Geography - As geographers we will:
- Locate different types of UK settlements.
- Understand the use of land in Dewsbury and how this has changed over time.
- Know that trade is the buying and selling of goods and know this can happen locally and globally.
History - As historians we will:
- Study the Romans.
- Recognise the part the Romans played on our history and about the past.
- Use various sources of evidence to answer questions.
The children will be able to :
- Investigate and interpret the past.
- Understand chronology.
- Communicate historically.
- Build an overview of British history.
Maths - As mathematicians we will:
- Recognise multiplication is the inverse operation to division.
- Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 and estimate numbers.
- Multiply and divide numbers mentally including the 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-times tables.
- Solve problems including the 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-times tables.
- Use and recall multiplication and division facts for 3-, 4- and 8-times tables.
- Be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
- Solve problems including missing numbers involving multiplication and division.
- Learn to measure, compare and add and subtract mass.
- Learn to measure, compare and add and subtract capacity
- Read and understand various measurements including time.
Music - As musicians we will:
- Describe and compare the features of different music styles.
- Improvise alongside a piece of music.
- Compose our own pieces of music.
- Be able to describe the pulse, rhythm and pitch of a piece of music.
P.E. – As athletes we will:
- Continuing to develop our agility with yoga.
- Develop our cooperation skills through games -rounders, ball games,
- Learn to throw and catch accurately - dodgeball.
R.E. - As theologians we will:
- Learn about the sacrament of Reconciliation and Jesus the Teacher.
- Think about what it means to make the wrong choices.
- Know how Jesus showed us to turn away from sin.
- Know God always loves us.
- Know what happens during the sacrament of Reconciliation.
RPSHE - we will be looking at how families have similarities and differences.
- We will learn about how families are not all structured the same way.
- How people within families should care for one another.
- How to ask for help if family relationships are making you feel uncomfortable.
Science - As scientists we will:
- Learn about light, reflections and shadows.
- Research different sources of light.
- Find out about reflective surfaces.
- Find out about how and why shadows change.
- Develop our scientific enquiry, understanding and vocabulary.
- Animals and Humans.
- Children will learn that animals can be classed as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
- Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.
- Identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.