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St Paulinus Catholic Primary Academy Temple Road, Dewsbury, WF13 3Q

01924 488282

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Year 3

Mrs Joyce & Miss McHale/Mrs Aqib

Art  As artists we will be producing artefacts from Ancient Britain

  • Children will :
  • Make Stone Age necklaces.
  • Reproduce Stone Age cave art.
  • Mix up natural paints.
  • Use pastels to represent Stonehenge.
  • Produce Celtic designs from the Iron Age.


  • Look and understand how to keep safe on line — internet safety, e-safety and cyber safety .
  • Maximise our awareness of personal safety and security risks to private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime.
  • Use a keyboard with one finger and type without using sight, recognizing the location of the key on a keyboard.

Design Technology – As designers we will:

  • Design, make and evaluate an iron age roundhouse.
  • Children will :
  • Build a prehistoric shelter.
  • Build a biscuit Stonehenge.
  • Make a model woolly mammoth.

English – As writers and communicators we will :

  • Write adventure stories.
  • Describe settings and develop characters.
  • Write newspaper reports.
  • Write instructions and directions.
  • Write non-chronological reports.
  • Use wider range of conjunctions and sentence structures.
  • Become more accurate in our use of more sophisticated punctuation.
  • Spell most of the Y2 and Y3 common exception words correctly.
  • Read and listen to a wide range of styles of text.
  • Read and listen to whole books.
  • Make predictions based on what we have read.
  • Use the text and inference to answer questions.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Listen to and learn a wide range of subject specific vocabulary.

French  As linguists we will:

  • Develop our understanding of how to introduce myself in French.
  • Recognise and Count from 0 –20 in French.

Geography  As geographers we will :

  • Research and understand how earthquakes and volcanoes are formed.
  • Be able to locate volcanoes around the world.
  • Interpret a range of geographical sources to gather information.

History  As historians we will :

  • Study the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
  • Recognise the part archaeologists have had in helping us to find out about the past.
  • Use various sources of evidence to answer questions.

They will be able to :

  • Investigate and interpret the past.
  • Understand chronology.
  • Communicate historically.
  • Build an overview of world history.

Maths  As mathematicians we will :

  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number.
  • Read and write numerals to 100 in numbers and words.
  • Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 and estimate numbers .
  • Add and subtract numbers mentally including 3-digit numbers and units, tens, and hundreds.
  • Solve problems including missing numbers and place value and more complex addition and subtraction.
  • Use and recall multiplication and division facts for 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
  • Be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1 digit number.
  • Solve problems including missing numbers involving multiplication and division.
  • Learn to measure, compare and add and subtract lengths.
  • Learn how to measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.
  • Learn how to identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines in relation to other lines.

Music  – As musicians we will :

  • Describe and compare the features of R ‘n’ B music.
  • Improvise alongside a piece of music.
  • Compose our own pieces of music.
  • Be able to describe the pulse, rhythm and pitch of a piece of music.

P.E. – As athletes we will

  • Continuing to develop our agility.
  • Develop our balance and co-ordination through a range of sporting activities such as dance and gymnastics.
  • Be learning and combining a range of balances/poses to create a sequence.

PSHE  we will be looking at friendships and getting on with each other.

  • We will focus on ourselves and why it is good to be me.
  • We will be doing this through drama, reflective time in class, whole class discussions and art work.

R.E.  – As theologians we will :

  • Learn about the Christian Family .
  • Think about what it means to be part of a Christian family.
  • Know that we can join the Christian family when we are baptized.
  • Know what happens when we are baptized.
  • Know baptism is a sacrament.

Science  – As scientists we will :

  • Observe and compare different rock types.
  • Observe and analyse fossils.
  • Research Mary Anning and understand her role in the science of rocks and soils.
  • Understand how rocks become soil.